The young adults of today are the leaders of a not too distant tomorrow. We have the ability, as a Church, to help mold, mentor and shape these leaders. We want to encourage every church in the USA to take the responsibility of helping college age young adults. One of the ways we could help them is to have a meaningful, consistent and specific prayer focus. This website was made to help churches do just that.

To obtain more information about reaching international students please click here.


To see which schools have been adopted please click here.


July 2019
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“The university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world. The problem here is for the church to realize that no greater service can it render both itself and the cause of the gospel, with which it is entrusted, than to try and recapture the universities for Christ … More potently than by any other means, change the university and you change the world.”

Charles Habib Malik

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All Rights Reserved: 2015-2024, Joseph Barrale (Edited 2023 April 7th)